Since the beginning of human existence, special attention has been paid to the penis. By its size, they tried to judge not only the physical, but also the moral qualities of its wearer. True, not always a lot - that's goodFor example, the ancient Hindus made absolutely no effort to enhance their dignity.

On the contrary, they believed that only the owner of a small and medium-sized penis can give a woman the greatest pleasure. And besides, they have the mind of a state and are capable of occupying the highest military and bureaucratic posts. .
But what is "a lot" and "a little"? American scientists, after measuring more than 15 thousand men from all over the world, calculated that the average length of the penis in the erect state is 13. 1 cm. If the penis is larger than this indicator, it means that the man has achieved what he wants in life. has achieved everything he dreamed about. If less, then it may be time to think about penis enlargement. True, according to the same scientists, in fact, a man's penisis about twice as tall as the part. So even the "short" ones aren't really as unhappy as they think.
There are many tips on how to enlarge a member of folk remedies. However, they all require patience and time. For those who do not have one or the other, there is another way out, it is the most effective - a surgical operation. True, at the same time, it is still bloody, painful, and has many consequences, such as the treatment of inflammation, erectile dysfunction and problems with orgasm. But it is beautiful.
To help those who do not dare to put the most expensive thing under the surgeon's knife, traditional medicine is in a hurry, traditionally offering many ways to raise one's dignity. From exotic and expensive, Like eating sea worms and eating rhino horn powder, right up to the good old ones perfected by grandfathers and great grandfathers.
Is it possible to enlarge the penis with folk remedies?
For many men, the question of how to enlarge the penis with folk remedies is very important and at the same time very intimate. Not everyone dares to tackle the same problem as a sexologist. However, for "home use"Suitable is a fairly simple, but at the same time effective technique. It consists in stretching the penis with the help of weights and elastic bands. This is how the ancient Incas pulled the flesh.
It is said that Roberto Cabrera, the owner of the largest penis in the world, increased the length of his penis from the average value to an impressive figure of 48 cm (which led to a rich and varied sex life not all). True, In this case only the foreskin increases, behind which hides the most ordinary penis of standard size.
self hypnosis
Popular psychology claims that consciousness determines being, and self-hypnosis is a great force capable of many things. That is, if a man has a small penis, he can enlarge it through meditation and self-hypnosis. As such. That said, in response to the mental message, the body responds by producing more hormones. These chemicals, in turn, contribute to adding cherished centimeters.
Here's how to do it with self-hypnosis:
- Once or twice a day, a man should devote 10-15 minutes to thinking about his penis, visualizing its desired length. It is better to indulge in such reflections at home in a quiet and secluded environment.
- It is important here to carefully consider every detail of the changes, paying attention to even the most insignificant at first glance details.
- The clearer the imaginary picture, the more impressive the result.
The principle of action of folk herbal remedies to increase the length of the penis is the ingestion of decoctions of herbs that help improve blood supply, as well as the condition of the body as a whole. It is difficult to achieve amazing results in this way, But it does almost no harm. For those who are interested in enlarging the penis with folk remedies using the power of nature, we recommend supplementing with extracts of ginseng, Chinese lemongrass, hawthorn fruit or bitter gourd. Can
Ointments and Creams
Many ointments and creams on the market contain supplements of biologically active substances and male hormones. As a rule, good results are achieved by young people whose body has not yet completed its development. Older peopleFor, the results are less impressive.
These funds are usually combined with warm compresses, which improve blood flow in the cavernous body, make the surface of the skin soft and supple. This is the condition of any massage - an energetic massage first warms the skin. Can't heat it.
The most affordable folk remedies for penis enlargement
One of the most popular remedies for penis enlargement is a decoction of hawthorn. It improves blood circulation and promotes better filling of cavernous bodies with blood. As a result, the penis becomes stronger and slightly longer during erection. A decoction of rose hips works on the same principle. Another well-known remedy is Chinese medicine preparations based on ginseng root extract. In addition to improving blood circulation, the miraculous root helps increase libido and potency.
One of the main advantages of such folk remedies for penis enlargement is the almost complete absence of side effects. Unless, of course, the recipient is not allergic to one or another component of the drug. Also, a general improvement in well-being is evident to the man. Will definitely benefit.
baking soda
Popular remedies include the use of regular baking soda. A man takes a hot shower to warm and soften his skin. And after that, he lubricates the skin of the penis with cream or vegetable oil and rubs the top slightly. Sa soda (powder or gruel) is poured in. He then carefully massages the genitals for several minutes; Avoid getting soda on the head, it can cause a burning sensation. The effect does not last long - only a few hours. People with skin lesions, hypersensitivity or the presence of inflammatory processes on the surface of the penis should avoid this procedure - it is veryThere may be inconvenience.
This folk remedy for penis enlargement, although quite well-known, can lead to injuries or serious diseases that are unlikely to contribute to the growth and development of the penis. Its principle of action is simple: to create the illusion of volumeVaseline is injected under the skin of the penis with a medical syringe. In almost the same way, some bodybuilders simulate the appearance of muscles with the help of Synthol. The effect of increasing volume is not only the presence of an additional substance under the skinbut also from the inflammation it causes.
- Firstly, not everyone succeeds in evenly distributing Vaseline under the skin of the penis. It is unlikely that the man and his partner will like bumps, bulges and other indignities that suddenly appear on the penis.
- Secondly, a foreign substance that has fallen under the skin will certainly provoke the onset of inflammation. And this will be far from the most pleasant sensations during urination and during sex. In addition, inflammation can provoke the development of a tumor. , which then have to be removed surgically - up to amputation.
- Thirdly, even with careful observance of medical protection measures, it is still possible for infection to enter the body. This threatens with a number of unpleasant consequences - up to erectile dysfunction and impotence.
- Fourth, an abundance of petroleum jelly can cause an allergic reaction - redness, itching, rashes on the skin. And rashes even on a huge penis, do not paint it at all.
For these reasons, this method is not recommended. What's the use of a huge cock if you can't use it?
Before using the most harmless at first glance folk remedies for penis enlargement, you should consult a specialist urologist or sexologist. Many men who are dissatisfied with the size of their penis, in fact their size is quite normal. And their problem, as they say, is in the head, not in another organ.
Folk methods of penis enlargement without leaving home
There are many popular ways to ensure penis enlargement at home. And most of them result in a definite increase in length - an effect that is useful even for men who do not complain too much about penis size. If there are problems with this parameter, it is impossible not to do without the use of special techniques - they will make it possible to satisfy your partner and get rid of your own complexes. After all, many men because of too small length or diameter. Are nervous, which affects both their self-confidence and relationships with the opposite sex.
The use of herbal tinctures and fees
One of the popular ways to enlarge the penis on their own, without resorting to surgical methods or expensive drugs, is the use of herbal infusions and decoctions. Ginkgo biloba (a unique plant that grows in China with many useful properties), hawthornAnd a remedy made from ginseng is considered quite effective. The following recipes have no less effect:
- 100 g of thyme herb is poured with 1 cup of boiling water and infused until completely cooled. It is recommended to take a folk remedy twice a day;
- 350 g of peeled garlic is poured with vodka or alcohol (400 or 200 ml, respectively), insisted for 10 days, filtered and taken 20 drops 2 r. a day. sameTincture can be bought ready-made at the pharmacy;
- 10 g of dried lungwort is poured with 200 ml of boiling water, insisted for at least an hour, after which it is filtered and clarified. Take the medicine should be 1 tbsp. lthree times a day.
- Consumption of nuts with honey also helps to increase the penis. Mixed in a ratio of 1: 1, the ingredients make the dignity of a man longer and thicker, and the sexual act lasts longer. The tool is taken for 1 tbsp. Goes. l3 p. in a day.
penis enlargement soda
You ask how to increase the member of the soda? In fact, everything is quite simple. A relatively inexpensive way to enlarge your penis is to use baking soda. It needs to be rubbed into the penis. However, this option is not considered very effective and can be used to relieve sexual problems. Than is more helpful for oily and problematic skin. And there were practically no cases of a real increase in the penis after using the soda solution.
A more effective option to rectify the situation would be rubbing an ointment consisting of soda and honey into the skin. The last component contains biologically active substances and, even if it does not increase the size of the organ, it will enhance erection. Also, honey masks improve skin condition and sensations during intercourse.
penis length exercise
Using folk methods of penis enlargement, do not forget about special exercises for penis enlargement and procedures: daily walks in the fresh air - especially if the patient has a sedentary job that requires help; swimming in the bath, thereby increasing blood circulation; Special premises for the purpose of normalizing construction.
Rhythmic translational movements of the penis have a good effect. The organ needs to be lifted 20 to 50 times, slightly rocking it to tighten the muscles. After the exercise, you need to take a warm shower, and the next insertion to the nextDo not repeat before the day. After a few weeks, the first improvements are visible, although before this there may be swelling or slight bruising of the genitals. Because of these side effects, the technique is rarely used, preferring other optionsIs.
penis massage
Massaging a member is necessary in several stages. The first is to prepare the organ by improving blood circulation:
- A cloth soaked in warm water is applied tightly to the skin;
- After cooling, the organ is wiped with a dry towel;
The massage itself begins.
Massage procedures include a gradual stretching of the head, which should be held for 5 minutes. After that, the penis is returned to its previous position and massage is performed with light movements, improving blood circulation. To enhance the effectDo not forget about the use of special ointments, creams and sprays for. Exercise is repeated several times - changing the direction of stretching. Massage must be done very carefully so as not to damage the penis. And the first effect 2-3 monthsAppears after. The probability of a positive result of this technique is higher than that of others.
using a vacuum pump
Helps to perform methods such as penis enlargement and pumping. The benefits of using a vacuum pump include:
- ability to restore erection after prostate or colon surgery with psychological problems caused by diabetes and erectile dysfunction;
- guaranteed effect of the technique;
- Minimal risk of side effects (subject to the rules of the procedure).
The disadvantage of the method is the need to pump daily for 45 minutes. In addition, before that, it is necessary to induce ejaculation artificially. And the technique has contraindications - a number of diseases, ranging from problems with blood vessels and ending with urethritis. Huh.
Ointments and creams for penis enlargement
For penis enlargement, three types of ointments and creams are used:
- Means with short-term effect. Apply immediately before intercourse;
- drugs that increase body length and diameter over a long period of time;
- Auxiliary creams and ointments that enhance the effectiveness of other agents.
How can you make your penis bigger without drugs, gels, ointments and other chemicals?
Millions of men are unhappy with their penis size and consider it a serious problem that negatively affects their lives. Boys' self-esteem deteriorates due to low masculinity and many of them become insecure. Get rid of such complexes with the help of techniques and preparations that allow you to lengthen the reproductive organ.
normal size
Before enlarging the penis, you need to make sure that such procedure is necessary. Too often, people increase the size of the penis, even if it is not necessary. If it is smaller than the average size then engage in manhood enhancementIt is advisable to have. Therefore, it is recommended to familiarize yourself in advance with what size is considered average among the people.
Most men are sure that the normal length of the penis should not be less than 17-18 cm. Some people, after watching all kinds of porn and advertising, consider a 20-25 cm long reproductive organ to be normal. However, they are wrong, because only one percent of men have such impressive sizes. 99% of the male half of the population have very small penis dimensions.
The average length of the penis is 14-15 cm and thickness is 11-12 cm. Many men are embarrassed by this size, but this is completely wrong. The average penis is capable of satisfying almost any girl during sex and therefore it is not necessary to increase it.
This is worth doing if the length of the reproductive organ is less than 8 cm in an erect state.
limb enlargement
After you are convinced of the need to lengthen the penis, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with effective methods that will allow you to do this. Many people do not like to use ointments, because theyare ineffective. Therefore, it is better to consider methods without the use of such drugs.
Massage is mostly used by men to improve the dimensions of masculinity. This method is considered to be the most enjoyable, cheap and easy. Massage is also popular due to the fact that it is done without external help and is completely free. , which is very important for people with a limited budget.
This method has a positive effect not only on the size of the reproductive organ, but also on the quality of sex life.
Properly performed massage will improve potency and increase orgasm 2-3 times. To enhance the positive effect of the exercise, rub the skin of the penis before doing it.
Before using massage therapy, you should be familiar with its main benefits:
- does not require serious financial expenditures;
- improves blood flow to the genitals several times, making erections more reliable and longer;
- Increases body size;
- prevents the appearance and development of neoplasms;
- Makes skin softer and more elastic.
Before performing the exercise, the reproductive organ is preheated. To do this, boil water in a small saucepan and soak a towel in it. Then a member is wrapped with a wet towel for 5-7 minutes. ProcedureThis is repeated 2-3 times so that the skin becomes more elastic and better amenable to massage. Warm skin is more stretched and blood circulation is faster.
When the sexual organ is completely ready for the procedure, you can start the massage. The penis is clamped with the fingers at the base and slowly massaged with translational movements towards the head. While performing the procedure, You can not press the penis hard, so as not to damage the delicate skin.
Jelqing is another method that does not require creams and other similar products. It is considered to be the most effective exercise to increase manhood by 3-4 cm.
In order to properly practice jelqing, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips:
- When performing the procedure, the movements of the hands are performed smoothly and without long breaks.
- When there is a feeling of impending ejaculation, jelqing is suspended to prevent premature ejaculation. If this is not done, it will not be easy to return the penis to an erect state.
- Jelqing is practiced daily. Only everyday procedures will fix the result for a long time.
- During the massage, the penis is wrapped around the index finger and thumb of the left or right hand.
- The genital organ is firmly grasped to prevent the outflow of blood for several minutes. However, maximum efforts are not applied during grasping, as hematomas may appear due to this.
- During Jelqing, the member is lowered or raised. This increases the load on the penis, causing it to grow rapidly.
Before proceeding with jelqing penis enlargement, you should familiarize yourself with the basic techniques of performing the exercise.
first technique
Before using this technique, they heat the skin of the penis. To do this, the most effective way - use hot salt. The salt heated in a pan is poured into a small cloth bag andPlaced on the reproductive organ. In order not to burn the skin, warming is carried out for 2-3 minutes, after which they proceed to jelqing.
To make the massage easier, the penis is brought to 70-75% erection. The erect penis is grasped at the base with the fingers and gently massaged for 5-10 minutes.
second technique
Some men increase the size of the reproductive organ with this particular technique. The main difference from the previous method of jelqing is the girth of the organ. In this case, it is held with the palm of the hand, not just with the fingers.
Having clamped the organ with your palm, it is not released for about a minute. At the moment of circumcision, the manhood is carefully pulled to the sides. It is impossible to strongly squeeze and pull, so as not to accidentally damage the soft tissues. Do not reach. During the month of the procedure, the penis increases by 2-4 cm.
Many men refuse to take pills to lengthen the genital organs, because they contain components that are harmful to the body. That is why herbs that can increase the penis are popular among the people. Today there are several dozen recipes for the preparation of effective medicines. Before you start preparing them, you should find out from which medicinal herbs they are made:
- Tribulus. This herb plant is often used in the manufacture of medicines for men. With its help, hormones are activated in the body that promote the entry of testosterone into the blood.
- Ginseng. The root of this plant stops the production of cortisol, thereby reducing the amount of the male hormone.
- Sagebrush. A herbal plant like wormwood dilates blood vessels, due to which, at the time of arousal, the reproductive organ is better filled with blood.
- Aloe juice. The juice of this plant speeds up the metabolism and stabilizes the appearance of new cells in the tissues of the penis.
- Ginger. Ginger root is often added to medications to lower the amount of cholesterol in the blood, prevent plaque, and improve blood flow to the penis.
cargo application
There are many ways to achieve increased penis size in men. Dangerous methods such as hanging loads are also quite popular. By loading the penile venous bodies and ligaments, the manhood will gradually lengthen. In this case, the girth of the penisNot even a centimeter will change.
Before hanging the weights, the penis is warmed up with a dry massage without gel or moisturizing ointment. The penis is gently rubbed by hand from the base to the head for about 5-10 minutes, after which they start adding weights. Before proceeding with the procedure, you should read the recommendations:
- To perform the suspension, they lie on the bed and spread their legs slightly.
- After taking a comfortable position, the head of the penis and the organ are wrapped with a bandage.
- The weight used is fixed at one end of the rope, and at the other end there is a clamp for attaching the reproductive organ.
- The clamp is attached to the base of the penis, carefully wrapped in a bandage.
- When the weight is attached to the organ, you have to slowly rise up so that the tissues of the penis are stretched.
So that the skin of the penis is not stretched too much, this procedure is carried out for no more than 20 minutes a day.
Opponents of drugs for penis enlargement prefer to use a special device - an expander. The main advantage of this device is its ability to increase the circumference of the reproductive organ by 1-3 cm.
The expander stretches the tissues, so they grow quickly. The result of such stretching is stored for a long time and therefore the expander enlarges the penis for life.
The design of the device resembles a small cylinder in which the penis is held in an erect state. When the organ is fixed in the expander, the tension force is adjusted. In the first weeks of use, it is not recommended to strongly stretch the penisBecause it will damage the delicate skin.
The stores sell various models of extenders: belt, loop and vacuum. Belts are considered the most convenient and therefore it is better for beginners to use them.